Uni Dubbing Brush Wire
Uni Dubbing Brush Wire
UNI Dubbing Brush Wire offers diameters to fit any dubbing brush spinners need.
Blend, stack, or mix any natural or synthetic material, or combinations thereof, to spin brushes for that yet to be named pattern. Soft stainless steel wire. Great for twisting dubbing brushes. Using a tool like the stonfo dubbing tool, you can premake streamer brushes as these are a great add to your saltwater fly tying, muskie fly tying and bass fly tying materials.
Also great for making dubbing noodles for indestructible nymph patterns for bottom searching for trout.
Available in three sizes, large (.009), medium (.006), and small (.003)
Of course, if you want to create all sorts of natural looking fly patterns, then our ever growing range of natural feathers is the ideal place to start. Aside from all the hackles, marabou, Coq De Leon and Cul De Canard that we have on offer, you can find some real gems the Other Feathers Category of the Troutlore Flytying Store.
If you can’t find a product you are specifically looking for, get in touch and we will see if it can be sourced, and kept in stock. Plus, you can keep up to date with new releases through our newsletter and social media outlets.