Frankie McPhillips Traditional Irish Dubbing
Frankie McPhillips Traditional Irish Dubbing
Frankie McPhillips Traditional Irish Dubbing has been developed and used by Frankie Mc Phillips for over 25 years in tying flies commercially for the Irish market. The various shades will enable the fly-dresser to tie the widest and most authentic range of IrishTrout and Salmon flies possible, from the old favourites to the newer, modern patterns.
These easy to dub blends come in beautiful natural colours that are subtle and will cover a wide variety of patterns. Traditional Irish Dubbing is also suitable for tying all your dry and emerger patterns, e.g. mayflies and sedges, when used in conjunction with good quality cock hackles.
The blends have been authenticated by E.J. Malone, author of “Irish Trout and Salmon Flies”, an expert fly-dresser and probably the country’s leading authority on Irish Fly Patterns. Distributed by Veniard, Frankie McPhillips Traitional Irish Dubbing is now available in Australia from the Troutlore Fly Tying Store. “The authentic Irish Dubbing for authentic Irish flies”. It also works for Australian specific flies too.
We love dubbing
At Troutlore we have a love for dubbing. Yes, little bags of fluff and synthetic, that’s the stuff. We just love it. That is why we are always adding to our range of dubbing that we offer to Australian fly tiers. We believe that we have the largest range of dubbing and dubbing brushes available in Australia. There are so many colours and varieties, you should always be able to find the right dub for your bug.
Of course, if you want to create all sorts of natural looking streamer fly patterns, then our ever growing range of natural hairs and furs is the ideal place to start for something different to the synthetic option. Don’t just settle on looking in the Hare & Rabbit category when you’re chasing quality winging and body furs, check out the Specialty Species Category of the Troutlore Flytying Store as well. Plus, we keep a great selection of Calf and Bucktail as well, in a big range of colours to take care of your freshwater and saltwater flytying needs. If you can’t find a product you are specifically looking for, get in touch and we will see if it can be sourced, and kept in stock. Plus, you can keep up to date with new releases through our newsletter and social media outlets.