
These Bronze Grade Whiting Farms Coq De Leon rooster saddle varieties are one of the most versatile of the Whiting products. Coq de Leon Capes and Saddles have a wide range of feathers that offer the perfect tailing material plus can be used as woolly bugger collars, large dry fly hackle…the possibilities are endless.
These saddles offer some excellent tailing fibres from the “throat hackle” along the edges of the saddle. For larger wet flies and dry fly cape hackle, there is plenty going on too with the long consistent width of the saddle feathers offering plenty of hackling options.
Whiting Farms Coq De Leon cape is one of the must-have’s for any fly tyer. We haven’t found many materials, natural or synthetic, that work as well as Coq De Leon for tails, legs, wing cases and any other bug appendages.

Dating back to 1624, Coq de Leon, or the “rooster of Leon” is the oldest line of birds bred for their feathers. The beautiful long speckled fibers are stiff, almost having a glassy look.

There are two distict lines. “Pardo” or the brown line is a larger bird and the feathers are marked with fine speckling. The other is refered to in the literature as “indio”, or indian line. The feathers are grey, or steel color, and lack the speckling