
Chocklett’s Filler Flash allows you to add a lot of flash to Game Changer style patterns and fill in any joint gaps to smooth out the fly body.

Palmered or collared, this important material fills the void in your fly patterns. Chocklett’s Filler Flash is especially great for feather Game Changers creating a seamless transition from one articulated Fish-Spine shank body segment to the next . At 1½” inch wide, it will palmer beautifully or work well as a collar or for color segments.

As well as supporting feathers and bucktail when tying Gamechanger flies with natural materials, Chocklett’s Filler Flash also works to bring a little sparkle and pop into your brush or chenille Gamechanger flies too. You can add a wrap or two at the end of each shank, or even on alternating shanks, ir simply behind the hook, for some flashy glitz. Use it in in other articulated streamers when you want to fill our the joint sections and bring some extra sparkle to the body. Or, simply go nuts with it and create full flash baitfish for enegetic rainbow trout, and greedy redfin who aren’t likely to shy away from something a little less subtle. You can even work it is an an additional dimension to your larger Bugger style flies for maximum effect,

3 yards per package.

Of course, we stock a Huge range of chenilles to suit all your fly tying needs. In fact, we’re always adding to this range so there’s always a good reason to see if there are an newly added chenille products in the  Chenille Category of the Troutlore Flytying Store. If you can’t find a product you are specifically looking for, get in touch and we will see if it can be sourced, and kept in stock. Plus, you can keep up to date with new releases through our newsletter and social media outlets.